In addition to Individual, family, and couple therapy/counselling, as well as group workshops, I offer individual and group consulting and conduct workshops, training, and debriefing for therapists, frontline workers, first responders, community organizers, and non-profit organizations.

Family Counselling Markham Individual Counselling Markham

I offer consultation/
workshops/training on the
following topics:

  • Fundamentals of Motivational Interviewing
  • Self-care and skills for addressing burnout
  • Discovery Session
  • Therapeutic and social work skills
  • Communication skills
  • Critical incident debriefing
  • The nervous system, brain science, and mindfulness.

I incorporate an anti-oppressive social justice lens into all the work I do.

I utilize evidence-based practices, am creative, approachable, reflective, and have a sense of humour. I believe in creating trusting, respectful and collaborative relationships.

I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or would like to explore working together.

Couples Counselling Markham Individual Counselling Markham

Hybrid services (in-person/in-office, virtual sessions or telephone sessions) are now available!

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